League Standings
League & Team Schedule
Officials Schedule
Player Statistics Report
Player Penalty Report
Team Statistics Report
Team Penalty Report
Divisional Penalty Report
Divisional Scoring Report
Divisional Penalty Majors Report
Other Reports
Goaltender List 2024 / 2025 (January 25, 2025) Teams must only use registered goalies this list includes unregistered goalies. The list will be updated as goalies register.
Registered Spare Player List (January 29, 2025)
Here is a list of registered spare players that are available to play.
Annual League Fees Payment Schedule
See Payment of Annual League Fees 2024 / 2025 Westwood Pub PG Rec. Hockey League for information on paying the annual league fees.
Click here for details on the timing of 1 hour 15 minute games.
PGRHL League Manual Part One (revised September 2023)
Click here to review the updated league Manual Part 1 “Procedures and Policy”. This section gives you in depth info into all aspects of operating a team in the Prince George Recreation Hockey League. Everything you need to know about the Procedures and policies we require and expect for those managing a team and / or participating in the P.G. Rec. Hockey League. The updated manual has a table of contents that can be clicked through to get you to each section of the manual.
League Manual Section Two Rules and discipline (Updated November 2023)
We are working on updating this section of the league handbook to have a table of contents and to reflect any changes that have been made after November 2022. Until that is posted this is your guide to reference what penalties and incidents have automatic suspensions and where notifications could occur.
If any player is issued a Major penalty Match Penalty or Misconduct you must review the manual to reference what suspensions are required. If you are unsure what the players status is following that review do NOT let them play until you have contacted league admin for clarification.
Here is the homepage with important information regarding all aspects of the Westwood Pub PGRHL. Below you will find important league news that will be updated with info such as spare goalies and player contacts and any other day to day information that teams will need.
Prince George Rec. Hockey Concussion Protocols.
We have worked with our insurance provider to put together some common sense concussion protocols that will be followed if necessary. Please review these protocols by clicking here. These need to be followed to keep everyone as safe as possible and to mitigate as much as possible the long-term effects from any possible concussion.
Code of Conduct / Rules
All players are required on the registration form to acknowledge that they have read and agree to the Code of Conduct and Rules. A copy of this document can be downloaded below.
Adult Player Waiver
All players and officials are required on the registration form to acknowledge that they have read and agree to the Waiver. A copy of this document can be downloaded below.
Underage Parental Waiver
Underage players must print the parental waiver, complete it, and hand it in to game official before game play will be allowed.
In addition to reviewing and agreeing to the waiver above: Any participant in the P.G. Rec. Hockey League that is not 19 years of age or older must hand in a parental waiver before participating in their first game. Any person that is not 19 years of age that participates without handing in a parental waiver completed, signed and dated by a parent or legal guardian is considered ineligible to play and their team is subject to fines the participant will be subject to suspensions as described in section 7:1-A page 26 of our league handbook.
Click here to open the parental waiver, you then will print the waiver, complete all requested information have a parent or legal guardian sign and date then return to the timekeeper before participating in your first game.
Player Registration Form
To access the registration form, you will need the league password. If you did not receive this password by email, contact your team rep to request the password.
All players who will be registering must read the player registration info supplied by their team representative.
Before opening the player registration form you must read the “Code of Conduct / Rules” and The “Adult Player Waiver” that are included above on this page. (Underage players must Print and complete the underage player waiver then hand it in before playing.)
Official Registration Form
To access the registration form, you will need the league password. If you did not receive this password by email, contact your league administrator to request the password.
All officials who will be registering for the 2024-2025 season, must read the Official Registration Information document for 2024-2025.
How to Print Team Rosters
Printing team rosters: It is mandatory for team reps or a team member to print off their team rosters. Bring them to the arena for their game. To Print your team roster select “Team Rosters” (Listed at the top under other reports) From the drop down select your team only and then you can print the roster.
Click here for Details on procedures and rules regarding handing in the Team Roster.
Kopar Access Door
The city has installed a keypad on the center door firehall side of the Kopar arena to provide user groups with easy access to the building while maintaining security in the building. Although access codes are activated one hour prior to ice time, please arrive a maximum of 30 minutes early to allow other user groups time to leave the building. This will help with congestion in hallways and dressing rooms. Use only the designated access door and never prop open any door in the building. Take all valuables in a bag onto your bench at every game every time. The access code was be provided to all players at the bottom of the player registration form and again to all players registered on Team snap at the start of the season.
This code will work for your designated ice time only. Please see attached map showing the keypad access door.
Incident Report Form
The incident report form is to be used by officials to file incident reports for either P.G. Rec or Gentleman’s Leagues.
This page is password protected. The password was sent to all officials through team snap March 16, 2022. If you did not recieve that contact Al Hines
Before you start You must have the date, time and location including game # of the incident. This is available from the online league schedule. You must include in the description of the incident at the top the: The players full Name and jersey # and the team they play on.
Prince George Arena Maps & Information
Kin 1, Kin 2 and Kin 3 (View City Website)
2187 Ospika Blvd South
Prince George, BC
V2N 6Z1
Rolling Mix Concrete Arena
888 Dominion Street
Prince George, BC
V6L 0A1
CN Centre
2187 Ospika Blvd South
Prince George, BC
V2N 6Z1
Elks Centre
4833 Heather Rd
Prince George, BC
V2K 3G7